Daemon Tools ultra was the best software to mount *.mds/*.mdf *iso, and many more. Make images of CD and DVD. Create and Mount the file to virtual drive. Write bootable images in a few clicks.Use Quick Mount option to mount image in one click.The Next Gen interface makes it look good.Manage your images collection . Create and mount virtual RAM disks that uses a block of memory.
How to Crack ?
1.Install Daemon Tools Ultra
2. Do Not Run Daemon tools Ultra
3.Go to cracked folder copy DTUltra.exe
4.Go to Daemon tools lite installation folder and paste the file
5.Now go to activator folder and run activator.
6.Click activate and it says activated
7.Yeah !! its cracked.
How to Crack ?
1.Install Daemon Tools Ultra
2. Do Not Run Daemon tools Ultra
3.Go to cracked folder copy DTUltra.exe
4.Go to Daemon tools lite installation folder and paste the file
5.Now go to activator folder and run activator.
6.Click activate and it says activated
7.Yeah !! its cracked.